Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

food is source energy

Indonesia is agricultural country, and more than 50% Indonesian people work a Farmes, farmes grow rice,vegetables, and fruits. That we need for our live. Rice is the most important one because rice is main food for Indonesian people. Rice countain carbohydrates that we need because carbphydrates is main source of energy. The body need energy to do all activity. Rice we can found carbohydrate from flour, breads, cakes, potatoes, corn, sugar.

Our body need vegetables and fruits too for protected healthy. Vegetable produce anti oxidant for our body. Vegetable contain vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are importants for our health, our body can’t make own vitamins swo we must eatvegetable and fruit every day. Vegetables and fruits can help the body to absorb nutrients in food.

If we don’t like vegetables and fruits then body resistance descend we will easy to sick. From the research vitamins and minerals of countaiened in vegetables and fruits can blocked disase likee cancer. So our body need food of very much.

Thank you

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