Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

bajigur bandung

Typical beverage of sunda which now start marketing rareness among others Bajigur, bandrek, sekoteng is typical warm beverage of Bandung. Special for my sekoteng very each;every night the sekoteng mang pass in front of house around half ten lapped piercing small goong of sound him. Sekoteng is beverage which consist of bread bargain to be cut by parallelogram, pearl mush, in ginger gravy love and scattered by peanut fry and given by milk. This beverage loo like with round if in area of jawa middle or east jawa.

Bandrek Bandung like bajigur a traditional hot drink made of boiled water mixed with coconut milk, brown sugar Arenga pinnata starch and cangkaleng and syrup or used in desserts, in the form of Arenga pinnata fruit stewed with brown palm sugar.

Bandrek Bandung a traditional hot drink made of boiled water mixed with ginger, brown sugar Arenga pinnata starch and cangkaleng and syrup or used in desserts, in the form of Arenga pinnata fruit stewed with brown palm sugar. Bandrek modification included peper,milk or other fruits can mixed for thousand tasted. Bandrek is healthy drink cause the ginger have many function for body suplay. Bandrek Bandung famous since thousand yeras ago. Bandrek Bandung you can try in every whre of Bandung City specialiced in center town.

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008


If we pasted “Sadang – Pandeglang” road kilometer 13, decimating Baros, tabulate Serang, Banten. Don’t forget to stop in “Warung Durian Jatohan Haji Arif (DJHA). Distiller Hj.Arif executed business. Durian of finished since 1966. in there teapots much kind Local from Pandeglang, Hj. Arif also sale a fruit from big city in Indonesia. Delicious a fruit Hj. Arif have famous not only in Indonesia but to International. We are shit in balai – balai to relax while delicacy fruit of very delicious. Value a fruit very rise between Rp.20.000 - Rp.75.000 to a fruit. Every day Hj. Arif saled between 100 fruit, if weekend between 300 – 500 fruit has saled on a day. All fruit of saled is a fruit good. But, every fruits bind with rope so that fruits falling to earth. Not wish disappointed customer Hj. Arif give garantie if a customer have a fruits notwish,have back substitute with a new fruits so if customer bring a fruits to home and fine a fruits of rotten then customer have request substitute. Now Hj.Arif wided word to Karawang, Bandung, Garut ,Bekasi .etc. And work continue with family and have success.

Rabu, 26 November 2008

"89 snack"

At this opportunity I will tell a story about business type which my parents implement. The business that is present shop typical of Bandung, where I sell the products at my home shop. To be more sharpness resides in Bandung city part of west that is in road Pasteur. Be strategic place to open this business, because passed by many vehicles coming from another town through turnpike Pasteur.

Mostly they having the day off to Bandung city because in Bandung many place for having vacation and which most famous is “food tourism”

So my parents build typical present of Bandung shop named "89 Snack". Usually consumer comes from another town and crowded at holiday.

Between A lot foods that sold at my shop the most famous is “tempe goreng”, “banana sale” and “dodol”. Beside sold, my shop also produces “tempe goreng” with variant flavor and has a typical taste of my city.

This business rather gives earnings to my family economics. So I can continue my education until now.

If friends want to buy present typical of Bandung, can visit " 89 snack" shop.

Selasa, 18 November 2008

Pure milk

In north of Bandung town there is a small town that is town Lembang. Town Lembang is mountain area which situation still experiencing and the weather feel so cold. Besides that in town Lembang there is breeding of a real big, the breeding name is BIB, besides that the cows can yield some fresh pure milk too, and in this breeding also the pure milk of that earns direct in processing and kept in packaging. We can direct to enjoy pure milk and we can buy it in milk shops closest. The pure milk can we buy in center expenditure of pure milk in Lembang town that is in KPSBU Lembang.

Pure milk also can be to become yoghurt, can make pudding and others food. Way of the eating also can direct in drinking or in cooked beforehand. This pure milk very good to digestion and increases our body stamina because in pure milk contains fat, calcium, protein and many others.

Selasa, 11 November 2008


Surabi is a traditional food from Bandung city. More people like Surabi when it still hot. It tastes very piquant, because made from grater of Coconuts. But there are Surabi that taste sweet. This Surabi have the sweet taste because a maker gives some coconuts sugar that has to liquefy.
But now Surabi can enjoyed with various flavor for example strawberry, chocolate, cheese, etc. if formerly Surabi just can enjoyed in the village but now Surabi can enjoyed in more restaurant or seller in edge street.
And I’m very like with Surabi almost a very morning in Sunday I go to the traditional market to find and buy some traditional Surabi, I am more like traditional Surabi then Surabi with various flavor, because since I was child my mother always give me a sweet traditional Surabi with a cup of hot chocolate milk. So I am to be usual eat traditional Surabi.

Selasa, 04 November 2008


Brownies my brand way and me of Everybody is surely have known what is that brownies, coziest food, enjoy, fully filled also more than anything else if him eating between two lights in adding the glass copy the warm milk, is too, scrumptious likely. Activity have a snack between two lights this often I do, because in my home have made available him name brownies, if his coffee remain just to buy to griya my house front. My friends surely have known my impetuous this, because friends is also often cloth to my home, and my soybean cake also sale brownies. Besides cake brownies that I buy to in trading off, me also able to direct make by self, and needed by his making way and also materials as in under this:


200 gr whole-wheat of 100 gr powder chocolate ¼ salt teaspoon of 200 gr vegetable oil of 250 gr smooth sand sugar 3 egg item of 1 sdt vanili 100 gr bean mete chop up the way make:

Heat oven. Dab Loyang measure of 32x22 cm by using margarine and pillow with bread paper. Mix [of] brown whole-wheat [of] salt and powder.

In big mug shake the egg and sugar [so/till] turn white and flower. Input and vanili shake just. Slow of slow of vegetable oil input. Swirl slow and dry materials input or bean mete and smooth down the dough in Loyang. Then grill during 30 minute made cool then cut to pieces. Congratulation tries!!!!!

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008


Besides food favorite which had in tells at posting which week then, at this opportunity I will tell a story about dislike food. Very few dislike food, because most all my foods like between dislike food is "jengkol" because this food hardly not delicious to eaten. Besides also disturb people. I can other of because aroma to be smell.

This food only there is in Indonesia, and very rare there is in other state , because a lot of food coming from result to plant farmer. But this food many people likes when eaten to be at the same of rice. Usually " jengkol” presented with other traditional food like “sambal”.

Doesn't like food also another food which I don't like that is seafood (cockle) . Because I experience bad have ever with this food, I have ever been is allergic until throw up so that hitherto frowns upon seafood (cockle).But seafood which it is still taking a fancy to it.

Still many seafood that I do not like .My family to don’t like seafood. My brother and my little brother very do not like seafood. They always eat vegetable, nabati Food, and many food that contained vitamin, carbohydrate, mineral, etc.

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

si Gobing

My favorite food
In the posting, I want to talk about my favorite food. I like Indonesian food because so many kinds of variation with different mark one and each other, one of my favorite food is “nasi goring kambing” , I can buy“ nasi goreng kambing’ in every where and every time. I can “nasi goring kambing’ ineating stop. “nasi goreng kambing” is very cheap for student like me, so I can buy “nasi goring kambing” every day if I want.
Why like “nasi goreng kambing ” so much ? because “nasi goreng kambing” can give me contentment. It home, I usually cooking “nasi goreng kambing” and my mother always help me. My mother always to prepare all ingredients of ‘ nasi goreng kambing”. The ingredients of “nasi goreng kambing” is rice,sosis, vegetables, oil, and the most important is lamb. And for spices of”nasi goreng kambing” is salt, peppee, ketchup, red pepper. I usually made “nasi goreng kambing’ for dinner because I can sleep soundly until tomorrow morning. But we don’t often eat “nasi goreng kambing’ because lamb of “nasi goreng ambing” can give bad influence for healthy. Lamb of “nasi goreng kambing’ can make hyper tense. Hypertense is one of reason the death in Indonesia. So we must be carefull.

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

food is source energy

Indonesia is agricultural country, and more than 50% Indonesian people work a Farmes, farmes grow rice,vegetables, and fruits. That we need for our live. Rice is the most important one because rice is main food for Indonesian people. Rice countain carbohydrates that we need because carbphydrates is main source of energy. The body need energy to do all activity. Rice we can found carbohydrate from flour, breads, cakes, potatoes, corn, sugar.

Our body need vegetables and fruits too for protected healthy. Vegetable produce anti oxidant for our body. Vegetable contain vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are importants for our health, our body can’t make own vitamins swo we must eatvegetable and fruit every day. Vegetables and fruits can help the body to absorb nutrients in food.

If we don’t like vegetables and fruits then body resistance descend we will easy to sick. From the research vitamins and minerals of countaiened in vegetables and fruits can blocked disase likee cancer. So our body need food of very much.

Thank you