Selasa, 04 November 2008


Brownies my brand way and me of Everybody is surely have known what is that brownies, coziest food, enjoy, fully filled also more than anything else if him eating between two lights in adding the glass copy the warm milk, is too, scrumptious likely. Activity have a snack between two lights this often I do, because in my home have made available him name brownies, if his coffee remain just to buy to griya my house front. My friends surely have known my impetuous this, because friends is also often cloth to my home, and my soybean cake also sale brownies. Besides cake brownies that I buy to in trading off, me also able to direct make by self, and needed by his making way and also materials as in under this:


200 gr whole-wheat of 100 gr powder chocolate ¼ salt teaspoon of 200 gr vegetable oil of 250 gr smooth sand sugar 3 egg item of 1 sdt vanili 100 gr bean mete chop up the way make:

Heat oven. Dab Loyang measure of 32x22 cm by using margarine and pillow with bread paper. Mix [of] brown whole-wheat [of] salt and powder.

In big mug shake the egg and sugar [so/till] turn white and flower. Input and vanili shake just. Slow of slow of vegetable oil input. Swirl slow and dry materials input or bean mete and smooth down the dough in Loyang. Then grill during 30 minute made cool then cut to pieces. Congratulation tries!!!!!

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